Embodied Impact

The Embodied Impact series will take participants through a somatic process of connecting and aligning their sense of purpose and belonging with their team and the vision, mission and values of the organization. Through our embodied professional transformation methodology we introduce foundational somatic practices for embodied self-awareness and to develop the skills and capacity needed to take centered action and accountability as a compassionate leader. Participants will identify how their unique shape informs and impacts their work and worldview, as they cultivate their individual and collective vision for a compelling future. 

Session One: Embodied Awareness

  • Explore current somatic shape (how we embody our habits, our beliefs, our conditions, our history, etc…)

  • Notice sensations as they arise and establish presence 

  • Connect to what matters now and to a desired future 

Session Two: Embodied Skills 

  • Source center through change and transition

  • Connect to sense of aliveness and belonging

  • Make requests and declines that align with purpose, vision and mission

Session Three: Embodied Purpose

  • Align purpose with collective vision for a compelling future

  • Take centered action and accountability 

  • Engage in generative, meaningful feedback