Embodied Equity

The Embodied Equity series will support participants in identifying how we are shaped by the social conditions, systems and insitutitions of white supremacy culture. We will explore how we socially locate ourselves and organize within the dominant culture as it informs how we relate to a sense of safety, dignity and belonging. Participants will learn to coordinate and take accountable action. All embodied equity trainings will include affinity group break out time for Black participants, non-Black POC, and white participants, with time to come together to debrief collective learning.  Murmur utilizes affinity spaces to minimize the emotional labor of BIPOC participants and maximize collective learning.  

Session One: Understanding Our Habits

  • Holding intersectionality in our bodies - Connecting racial equity to other forms of systemic oppression 

  • Diagnosing the habits of white supremacy culture that most impact your work

  • Building somatic awareness during race-related ruptures 

Session Two: Interrupting Microaggressions

  • Building our somatic seeing: noticing and naming microaggressions

  • Practicing interrupting microaggressions from center 

Session Three: Sustaining Equitable Action 

  • Embodying accountability

  • Anti-racist action for the long haul